To meet the increasing business demand, right after the Tan Suu Lunar New Year, Fushan Technology Vietnam continuously welcomes hundreds of new employees every day.

The daily amount of new Fushaners and outsourced employees integration ranges from 50-150 employees, expected to last for two consecutive months, has brought new energy and vitality to Fushan. But it also poses a big problem in the recruitment and personnel training every day.

How to ensure that hundreds of new joiners not only feel warmly welcomed and motivated after their first day at the company but also fully grasp important information about regulations, working instructions, and activities in the factory is a big challenge for all members of the Learning and Development Team - HR department. Not only meeting the requirements of work expertise, the organization of integration classes during the difficult Covid period, requiring safety standards and the constant efforts of the training Team to overcome the barrier of distant masks, safe access regulations, or the shyness of the "rookie" to convey knowledge and inspiration to Fushaners.

Understanding the requirements, right after the Tet holiday, a series of integration documents and coordination activities for training activities have been planned, implemented, improved continuously, and occurring in the urgent atmosphere, inspiring with enthusiasm.

To welcome new employees, LnD Team and Human Resources department look forward to receiving the unanimous unanimity of enthusiastic Fushaners. Along with their smiles, affectionate eyes, and willingness to support newcomers, bringing the image of a safe, friendly, and professional Fushan to the "newbies" of the Factory.

Wishing that Fushaners are always healthy, resilient to overcome the pandemic, maintaining our form, and growing brilliantly with Fushan Technology Vietnam!

From LnD team - HR Department of Fushan Technology Vietnam!

Fushan 2023 Trade Union Football Tournament

Honoring the Nguyen Duc Canh Award- Fushan TU member: Do Thi Nga Ly

The Nguyen Duc Canh Award is selected and awarded by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor every five years on the occasion of the Vietnam Trade Union’s Founding Day, July 28, of the year of the Vietnam Trade Union Congress and Awarded only once to each winner, along with a diploma, badge, and bonus.

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International Children's Day Gift Distribution

As a meaningful annual activity, Trade Union has successfully organized a gift distribution to all children of TU members.

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Fushan Trainer: A new playground for internal teachers

This is a program aiming to improve the Self-Taught Culture in Fushan, implemented by the Training & Development Department from April 2022.

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