Fushan Trainer: A new playground for internal teachers

Every Friday, the Learning Center at the factory is bustling with internal training courses. The technicians and quality staff showed their new roles of teachers.


With up to 60 minutes of training, each week, departments took turn of showing a wide range of knowledge, from factory-related areas of expertise such as static electricity and ESD, total productive maintenance, to more common topics like PowerBI or labor efficiency enhancement.


Each training session is filmed by the Training & Development Department and uploaded to the E-learning system.


At the end of each month, the two best lectures that attract the most views on the E-learning system will be awarded. In addition to the monthly award, the program also provides annual awards to the best lecturers.


Lessons are well prepared. The lecturers took nearly a month to create the lesson, consult with the managers, edit and even have a trial run to make sure everything goes smoothly.


PowerBI was the most attended session thanks to the usefulness of this powerful reporting tool. The lesson was also livestreamed on FuShan's Facebook page and attracted more than 700 views.

Fushan 2023 Trade Union Football Tournament

Honoring the Nguyen Duc Canh Award- Fushan TU member: Do Thi Nga Ly

The Nguyen Duc Canh Award is selected and awarded by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor every five years on the occasion of the Vietnam Trade Union’s Founding Day, July 28, of the year of the Vietnam Trade Union Congress and Awarded only once to each winner, along with a diploma, badge, and bonus.

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International Children's Day Gift Distribution

As a meaningful annual activity, Trade Union has successfully organized a gift distribution to all children of TU members.

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Overcoming all the difficulties about time and resources, last Thursday (April 29th, 2021), Fushan successfully launched a brand-new product with the most complicated structure compared to its other previous devices.

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