NEO Program

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New Employee Orientation (NEO) program is the first step in welcoming new employees (NE) to Company.

The aim of NEO program is to familiarize NE with the Company, its organizational structure, its policies and procedures, and to enable them to get a better understanding of their benefits and the various benefits options available to eligible NE.

In addition, the objective of NEO is to provide NE with all the pertinent information to begin working and to familiarize them with Company policies and procedures.

NEO program is included with 3 main activities:

Induction Training

NE will receive Induction Training including:

(1) Human Resources Policies
(2) Safety Induction
(3) Security Induction
(4) Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Induction
(5) Quality Induction
(6) IT Induction

Normally, Induction Training is organized monthly or in specific time as required.

Budding System

A Buddy is someone who escorts NE during their first months of employment.

A buddy may have good communication, role model, self-motivation, strong performance and love-to-be-a-buddy attitude.

A Buddy may also have the skills and knowledge including:
  • Teaching/tutoring, such as explaining unfamiliar tasks;
  • Explaining how to use office equipment, obtain office supplies, make travel arrangements, and the like;
  • Socializing NE on company's guidelines, norms, culture, and unwritten guidelines;
  • Sharing insights on how things are done in the organization;
  • Involving the new employee in social or informal activities, such as lunch, coffee, and etc.

This is the activity to re-connect with NE in their first time of employment with Fushan.

L&D Team invites random NE to have a talk and understand about their feedback and feelings after their first 1 or 2 months.

L&D Team also invites random Managers to have a survey of NE’s work in the first months

In general, a successful NEO program is the cooperation and participant from all departments of Fushan. It is the spirit sharing from LTs; the training from HR, EHS, SEC, IT, Quality, Technical Training Team; and the careful support from all departments.